Friday 12 December 2014

[OLD] Character Profile Sheet By Hamza El Mesfioui

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hamza. I have a few suggestions if I may:

    I think in regards to your character having a shield, in what context would he be equipped with a shield? it just seems a little out of place for our environment and game concept?

    When we designed our GDD, we didn't ever state there would be any violence within our game. In your character profile, it says that your character will be violent. I'm not sure what you mean by this? Maybe I'm getting the wrong Idea?

    It also states that "a battle begins" which was never stated in the GDD or agreed within our group? I was and still am under the impression that the antagonist character, simply stumbles due to their infection and if they bump into the protagonist, then the protagonist character loses a battery level (life)? Would love to go over anything in class later today so we are all on the same page.

