Monday 26 January 2015

Character profile sheet Dason

Character Profile sheet
Name: Bruce
Gender: male
Character Role
THe role of this character is to try and stop you from finishing your journey. He will walk towards your player without moving aside. If this character touches you, you will lose a health. He can also change his route in order to stop you. as you progress through the game he will appear more frequently.
Physical Profile

Physical Advantages:
- swift
- agile
- strong
- metal limbs
Physical Disabilities:
- Can only move every three seconds
- low stanima
- Jeans, shirt
Unique Physical Skills
- Can teleport into other pathways Sometimes
- Can push the player back a few steps
- Can drops banana skins on the floor
- Can blind the player for a few seconds using camera phone with flash
Major Life events
Bruce played a major role in the outbreak of the virus. He was a of duty scientist who was in the changing room of the labrotory when he heard two other scientist arguing about the correct amount of chemical V they should be putting into the flu vaccine. He chose to just ignore this even though he knew the answer himself. If he had interviend the outbreak would have never happened because after this happend, the lab exploded  and the virus was spread.
Sociological Profile
London, 1980
- Conventional famly, normal upbringing.
Accent or Dialect:
He speaks with an english accent
Past Profession:
Before the outbreak the character used to be a scientist at the labratory.
How does your character make a living/survive now?
The character is still a scientist, the only thing that has changed now is that he is focusing his work on trying to fond a cure for the virus.

Psychological Profile
Personality Traits:
- Determained
- Ambitious
Treasured Items:
- A funny mutated parrot
- A pocket watch

Personal Interests
- Science
- Boxing
- Food
- Gaming

- humble, smart, sneaky,
Sense of Humour:
-psychopathic, Bruce finds joy in the pain and suffering of others
Gameplay Abilities:
This character can alter the planned route of your player just by walking in your way.
As his main mission is to try and slow you down, he doesn't need to worry about his own safety.
Character Synopsis:

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